To The Point English Grammar Composition BSC
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To The Point English Grammar Composition BSC

Weight: 1.0 kg

Key Features: 

  • Notes on A Selection of English Prose with Full Urdu Translation.
  • University Papers Solved.
  • Questions & Answers with Urdu Translation.
  • Report writing, University Papers Solved.
  • Common Errors
  • The use of Preposition
  • Close Test
  • Urdu Translation
  • Essay Writing

Written By: Professor Aftab Ahmed


This is hardly a book on English Grammar and Composition. It does not contain ample material of grammar in it. However, it discusses the prescribed syllabus of English for the BSc students of Punjab University, Sargodha University and other universities quite lucidly and clearly. The complete Urdu translation of the text book with meanings of difficult words and explanation has been added to it. This will enrich the vocabulary of the students and broaden their comprehension of the text. The study of the text has always been helpful in answering the questions, asked in the University papers. All the questions at the end of each lesson and asked in the University papers have been solved in this edition. The section dealing with report writing has been updated and enlarged. The solved reports based on University papers have increased the utility of the book no doubt. Almost forty new essays, dealing with current and modern topics have been added. The essays asked in different universities of Punjab have also been included in this edition. The book has really become an asset for the students.